Monday, July 9, 2007

New BlogRoll list

I've decided to stop relegating my list of blogroll sites to a single post and finally created a BlogRoll link-list in the right-hand column. However, I do think it is good to have a brief description of each one so my BLOGROLL post is still online. 
You'll notice that it is also in the blog category list.

Here are some recent additions I made to my BlogRoll:

Don’t drop the piano
A piano and songwriting blog with a pop/rock perspective.
UPDATE 10/3/07: This blog was deleted by its author(s) and is no longer available.

Hugh Sung
An extensive site about using music technology to augment the classical musician’s bag of tricks. Cutting edge hardware and software are presented and explained by Hugh Sung.

Music Teachers Blog
Community blog for the MusicTeacher’ site, this focuses on pedagogical issues and studio management. (There is a fee for the use of its online studio management software, but not for the blog itself.)

Vana Jezebel
Pam Igelsrud, one of my good friends from school days at Eastman, writes a personal blog about life in Boston. She is a talented singer and a fearless interpreter of contemporary vocal music.